FIFA 23 Abbreviation and Acronym List
BPM - Bronze Pack Method
SBC - Squad Building Challenge
Base Icon - The lowest rated version of the Icon available
Bid - To put a bid on a players card as opposed to buying it now, people can still outbid you on a card.
BIN - Buy It Now
BPM - Bronze Pack Method
Chem - Chemistry
Common - A card type
Demand - How much a player is wanted, e.g. 'Mbappé is a player with high demand'
Discard - The lowest price that a player can be listed on the transfer market for
DR - Division Rivals
Fodder - The cheapest card for that rating/discard value
FUT - FIFA Ultimate Team
Hybrid - A team built from two leagues
IF - In Form/ Team of the Week card
k - Thousand
Loyalty - This was with regards to the old chemistry system, a player would get +1 (used to be out of 10 chem) to their chemistry if they were first owner cards or had played 10 games for your club
LR - Lightning Rounds (Promotions with special promotional packs that have a limited amount and are usually available for an hour)
m - million
Mass Bid - When you bid on a lot of players at once
MAX - Maximum
Mid Icon - The second lowest rated Icon
MIN - Minimum
MM - Marquee Matchups
MoTM - Man of the Match
OOP - Out of packs
OTW - Ones To Watch
OVR - Overall
PoTM - Player of the Month
Prime Icon - The third lowest rated Icon
- A card type
ROI - Return on investment
SB - Squad Battles
SBC - Squad Building Challenge
SIF - Second In Form/ Team of the Week
Snipe - When you use a filter to pick up cards quickly with Buy It Now
Supply - The amount of cards on the market (During Lightning Rounds, card supply is higher than usual)
TIF - Third In Form
TOTGS - Team of the Group Stage
ToTS - Team of the Season
TOTY - Team of the Year
WL - Weekend League