Top 5 Cards for the Ultimate ToTS Glow Up

It's time to elect your own Ultimate TOTS Plus player in this unique EVO! Receive 3 PlayStyle+ rewards, a large attribute boost, along with Weak Foot and Skill Move upgrades for your chosen Ultimate Player of the Season!

Yalçın – 95
Skill Moves/Weak Foot: 5*/4*
Work Rate: High/Medium
Preferred Chem Style: Architect
Unreal Pace and Shooting with amazing dribbling too. 5* skill moves as a bonus too. Also available as a Serie A player!

Cyprien – 95
Skill Moves/Weak Foot: 5*/4*
Work Rate: Medium/Medium
Preferred Chem Style: Shadow
With a Shadow he looks insane! Add 92 Pace and 94 Defending to this card. He's French, so only needs another French player in the squad to hit full chem!
He reminds me of a Flashback Kante type player.

Drăgușin – 95
Skill Moves/Weak Foot: 5*/4*
Work Rate: Medium/High
Preferred Chem Style: Engine
One of the fastest defenders on the game! Shame his Pace split is awful... Only 87 Acceleration... His Defending and Physicality are very high too. Passing is awful but lucky CB's aren't relying on that.

Clau Blanco – 95
Skill Moves/Weak Foot: 4*/4*
Work Rate: High/High
Preferred Chem Style: Sentinel/Basic
On first look, this is an AWFUL right back, but the fact she can play Right Wing makes this card VERY attractive for a free card!

Enciso – 95
Skill Moves/Weak Foot: 5*/4*
Work Rate: High/High
Preferred Chem Style: Architect
A very solid winger with 99 Dribbling! (Only 87 Reactions though!)
A little lacking in the Physicality department too.