How To Complete Trophy Titans Dennis Bergkamp

Trophy Titans Bergkamp is the highest rated reward in objectives this year giving an insane 93 Rated player...

...You will have to grind for it though... Here are all the shortcuts! 

Trophy Titan Dennis Bergkamp Objective

There are 8 segments to completing this Milestone Objective, some involve playing up to 15 Matches to complete. This is why you will want to be efficient when grinding these objectives, these can be done in as little as 35 matches but can take up to 92 if each segement is completed at a time.  

What Are The Requirements?

Pick The Corner

Score 5 Finesse shots with a Dutch player in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions).

Reward: 81+ Two Rare Gold Players Pack (Untradeable)

Back To Business

Play 5 matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions) with Min. 6 Dutch players in your starting 11.

Reward: 87 Rated Base Icon Bergkamp (Untradeable)

Dutch Success

Play 10 matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions) with Min. 6 Dutch players, including Base Bergkamp, in your starting 11.

Reward: 80+ 5 Player Pack (Untradeable)

Versatile Midfielder

Score and Assist using Base Bergkamp in 10 Separate Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions).

Reward: 84+ Rare Gold Players Pack (Untradeable)


Win 15 matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions) with Min. 6 Dutch players, including Base Bergkamp, in your starting 11.

Reward: Prime Icon Bergkamp (Untradeable)

By The Dozen

Play 12 matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions) with Min. 6 Dutch players, including Prime Bergkamp, in your starting 11.

Reward: Three 83+ Players Pack (Untradeable)

Superb Technique

Score and Assist using Prime Bergkamp in 20 Separate Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions).

Reward: Two 84+ Players Pack (Untradeable)

The Iceman

Win 15 matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals and FUT Champions) with Min. 6 Dutch players, including Prime Bergkamp, in your starting 11.

Reward: 81+ 11 Players Pack (Untradeable)

How To Complete as efficiently as possible?

Make sure to have 6 Dutch players in the squad from the first game 

You can also purchase Base Bergkamp off the market and skip step 1 (saving 5 games)

At the time of writing this article he is currently extinct! If you have him in your club, make sure to score 5 finesse goals.

Step 1
• Play 5 games whilst scoring 5 finesse goals with a Dutch player.
having 6 Dutch players allows you to start the second objective immediately too saving one game

Total Games Played: 5

Step 2
• Play 15 with 6 Dutch players including Base Bergkamp
Score and assist with Bergkamp in ten games to help complete objective 3 at the same time
Total Games Played: 20

Step 3
• Play 12 with 6 Dutch players including Prime Bergkamp
Make sure to win all 12 games with Prime Bergkamp scoring and assisting in every game
Total Games Played: 32

Step 4
• Score and Assist in 8 more games and win 3 of them with Prime Bergkamp
Total Games Played: 40

Step 5
• Redeem your shiney new card 😍

Not completed Trophy Titans Lampard? Check out the quickest way here

The method was brought to our attention on Twitter by one of our followers!

Go drop him a follow 
